Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let the taxpayers eat cake
The First Lady enjoys an extravagant trip while Americans face more bad economic news

SPAINRemember Mr. Obama telling Americans not to go, ''blow a bunch of cash in Vegas''; well, Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain with daughter Sasha will probably exceed the cost of a few roundtrip tickets to the Vegas strip and blowing a couple hundred dollars at the craps table.

The trip is estimated to cost a tad shy of $400,000, if you do the math. Air Force 2 costs $11,555 per hour to operate, Michelle’s hotel ranging from $400 for a single room to $6,500 for a two bedroom villa, then there’s the cost of Secret Service protection and lodging.

Meanwhile, Reuters reports that back in the United States:

* Temporary jobs dropped by 5,600, reversing a streak of strong gains that economists had viewed as a hopeful sign that hiring would pick up.

* Normally, companies load up on temps at the beginning of a recovery when they are waiting for confirmation that growth is gaining momentum. This recovery has been unusual in that temporary hiring did not herald a jump in private hiring.

* Private hiring totaled a lackluster 71,000 in July, below expectations for 90,000 in a Reuters poll. June's tally was revised down to just 31,000 from an initially reported 83,000.

* Government hiring was another worrisome sign. The loss of 202,000 positions reflected the loss of 143,000 temporary Census jobs.

* The total also included 38,000 jobs lost in local government.

You’ll be relieved to know that the Obama’s are going to the Gulf over the August 14th weekend to tour the site of the oil spill environmental disaster. But then are off for ten fabulous days to Martha’s Vineyard.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arizona sheriff at odds with Obama administration
Law enforcement officers and citizens defend the new immigration enforcement

(CNSNews.com)–Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government.

Babeu told CNSNews.com that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel.

“What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU,” Babeu said.

The sheriff was referring to the law suits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the U.S. Department of Justice challenging the state’s new immigration law.

“So who has partnered with the ACLU?” Babeu said in a telephone interview with CNSNews.com. “It’s the president and (Attorney General) Eric Holder himself. And that’s simply outrageous.”

Last week, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton placed a temporary injunction on portions of the bill that allowed law enforcement personnel during the course of a criminal investigation who have probable cause to think an individual is in the country illegally to check immigration status. The state of Arizona filed an appeal on Thursday with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Our own government has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help,” Babeu said.

Babeu and Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County Ariz., spoke by phone with CNSNews.com last week about the May 17 ACLU class-action lawsuit, which charges the law uses racial profiling and named the county attorneys and sheriffs in all 15 Arizona counties as defendants. The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit on July 6, charging the Arizona law preempted the federal government’s sole right to enforce immigration law.

“If the president would do his job and secure the border; send 3,000 armed soldiers to the Arizona border and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence, we wouldn’t even be in this position and where we’re forced to take matters into our own hands,” Babeu said.

Dever said the federal government’s failure to secure the border and its current thwarting of Arizona’s effort to control illegal immigration within its borders has implications for the entire country.
“The bigger picture is while what’s going on in Arizona is critically important, what comes out of this and happens here will affect our entire nation in terms of our ability to protect our citizenry from a very serious homeland security threat,” Dever said. “People who are coming across the border in my county aren’t staying there. They’re going everywhere USA and a lot of them are bad, bad people.”

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), about 250,000 people were detained in Arizona in the last 12 months for being in the country illegally. Babeu said that that number only reflects the number of people detained and that thousands more enter the country illegally each year.

The CBP also reports that 17 percent of those detained already have a criminal record in the United States.

Both Babeu and Dever said they want to remain involved in the legal battle over the law, which many experts predict will end up being decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Dever has hired an independent attorney to represent him in the ACLU case and his attorney has already filed a motion of intervention in the DOJ lawsuit so the “(Dever) will have a seat at the table.”

A Web site also has been launched by the non-profit, Iowa-based Legacy Foundation to raise money for the Babeu’s and Dever’s legal defense.

Both men said they believe the outcome of the case has national significance.“For us, this is a public safety matter and a national security threat,” Babeu said. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Journalists conspired to spike news stories, promote Obama campaign
The Daily Caller exposes media bias during the 2008 election

WASHINGTON, DC—The Daily Caller reports it has obtained documents that show a concerted plot by liberally minded journalists to spike negative news stories about then candidate Barack Obama. Among many negative stories, an effort was made in unison to blackout the Reverend Jeremiah Wright story. 

The Daily Caller states in their piece on the journalistic conspiracy:

“Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.”

The conspiracy to blackout negative stories about the former Illinois senator was in part prompted by an interview conducted by former Clintonite George Stephanopoulos when he asked Obama about the far-left, black liberation theologist who headed Obama’s church:

“Do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do?”

Besides the FOX News network and talk radio, news consumers were not apprised of the Jeremiah Wright story and his anti-American, racist tirades he flung in Obama’s church for twenty years. Instead, liberal columnists were recommending to their colleagues to turn the tables on any Obama critics. The Washington Independent’s Spencer Ackerman wrote:

“[Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics]; Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Like environmental alarmist scientists manipulating data in the Climategate scandal, we are learning the newsrooms and bureaus are and have been activity engaged in manipulating the news, not reporting it.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What the media isn’t telling us about Afghanistan
Reports about the war faltering are out there, but the democrat defection is not

WASHINGTON, DC—Writing in The Washington Examiner, Michael Barone, exposes democrat support for the “good war” to be eroding irretrievably. The basis of this phenomenon seems to come from a polling question found in an ongoing ABC/Washington Post poll that places a distinction on “good war” from “bad war”.

Remember Bush lied, people died? Iraq was a bad war, a distraction from the get-go in 2003, while Afghanistan was the good war—the war that needed to be waged and won.

In July 2009, 41 percent of democrat voters gave the good war vote to Afghanistan and only 12 percent gave the good war vote to Iraq. This July, a four point drop to 36 percent of democrats giving a good war vote to Afghanistan, while seventeen points appeared in the Iraq good war column, moving its approval up to 29 percent among democrats.

Why the change of heart? Probably because there is demonstrable success in Iraq, while Afghanistan languishes and because a democrat is in the White House—no Bush, no bashing. But it still contradicts what dems were saying in 2003 through 2008. That’s no problem because the media isn’t covering it.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The recess appointment of an unabashed redistributionist
A fervent supporter of socialized health care is chosen to run Medicare and Medicaid

WASHINGTON, DC—Dr. Donald Berwick has been the recipient of a recess appointment by President Obama to be the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In 2008, Mr. Berwick spoke in London; here are a portion of his remarks…..
“Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must—must— redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition re-distributional.”

Or try this little gem on for size…

"The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision will be whether we ration care with our eyes open."

Karl Rove pointed out on FOX News that Mr. Berwick’s recess appointment did not meet two of the 3 traditional tests of a recess appointment: the nominee is too controversial, the nominee is being held-up by senate member, and or there exists an emergency and the post cannot remain vacant. Dr. Berwick’s appointment is just another in a long line of demonstrative actions that Obama is a committed socialist that is using the power of his office to transform America from a free market representative republic to a European socialized democracy.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Daily Kos charges pollster fraud
An abject lesson in the realities of polling data

DAILY KOS, INTERNET—Liberal blogger and political commentator Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga is publicly calling out Research 2000, a polling firm that he contracted, claiming he was the victim of polling fraud. Moulitsas states that he will file a lawsuit against R2K—this will be a difficult legal standard to meet and given that R2K claims its now having to work out of a Kinko’s location, Moulitsas is unlikely to see any money.

Furthermore, John Cook of Yahoo News reports, "Del Ali, [R2K’s] president, has been sued numerous times in his home state of Maryland for nonpayment of debt and has been hit with several tax liens, according to court records."

Now on to the abject lesson—in layman’s terms, this is how a poll is generally conducted: the poll questions are engineered to be non-biased, and respondents are supposed to be equally weighted. In other words, equal or close to equal number of party affiliation and/or self-described political philosophy. For the most accurate results, respondents in electoral race polls should be LV’s or Likely Voters, meaning they have a party affiliation and vote in nearly every election. With more general polling such as direction of the country, A’s or RV’s are sampled (Adults and Registered Voters). General polls are also conducted over a large geographic area to ensure a solid cross-section.

If you wanted a poll to show a predetermined result, you simply skew the weighting (more republicans or more democrats) or confine it to an area that has a proven voting block for one particular philosophy and party. That’s what happened in the 2004 Bush/Kerry election with exit polls. They were conducted in heavy democrat districts and the results showed Kerry winning—but he didn’t and that’s the abject lesson in polling.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Country loses more confidence in Obama; Congress
Poll respondents unhappy with the direction of the country

WASHINGTON, DC—A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted last week shows a majority of Americans are pessimistic about an economic recovery and have little faith in President Obama’s ability to grow the United States out of the Great Recession.

The poll shows a bleak outlook at public perception about the president being able to conduct his job properly and support for his agenda eroding among his democrat base. Less than half of Americans—40 percent—believe Mr. Obama can handle a “serious crisis” while 17 percent, or nearly ½ of his democrat base approves of his job performance.

Moreover, generic ballot match-ups by party continue to favor the GOP over democrats, 45 percent to 43 percent want to see their party with the majority in congress respectively. This is bolstered by what is known as the “enthusiasm gap”, with 71 percent of McCain voters expressing high interest for the November midterms, while only 44 percent of Obama voters expressing equal interest (a drop from 82 percent in 2008).

The poll also finds a majority of citizens still favoring off-shore drilling but has slipped from 60 percent down to 53 percent; other polls record nearly 60 percent of American’s want a repeal of health care reform and as many favor Arizona’s new immigration law, SB 1070.  

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Democrat pollsters to party: You guys are in serious trouble!
Polling by Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell reveal another 1994 GOP takeover

WASHINGTON, DC—Douglas Schoen and Patrick Caddell have been warning their same party incumbents of the dismal prospects they face in the November midterms since last summer when health care reform began tanking in the polls.

Evidence of this phenomenon has already occurred in key races in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, where conservative republican’s bested their liberal opponents along with the recent primaries which showed a net gain for conservative candidates. There is an unprecedented 2,300 new candidates seeking elected office and polls indicate they are in a strong position to win come fall.

Only 29 percent of respondents in a June Washington Post/ABC News Survey believed their representative deserved reelection, which is 5 percentage points lower than the same poll conducted before the 1994 republican majority victory. Moreover, a recent Gallup poll found that 60 percent of voters will support a new candidate rather than an incumbent, with only 32 percent support.

With Congress’ 15 percent approval rating, a $13 trillion deficit, near 10 percent unemployment, 58 percent favor repealing health care reform, and the Gulf oil spill, chances for the democrats to hold their House majority are slim.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What the primaries mean
A reshaping of the political landscape is taking place across America

SUPER TUESDAY, USA—The primary elections held on June 8th point to one inescapable fact—the political landscape is changing in America. Forget about republican, democrat, or independent, they are merely labels that no longer reflect how a politician will vote when it comes to any particular piece of legislation. Better terms are available to identify politicians rather than party affiliation: liberal, conservative, and vacillating.

The first has been rejected by a majority of Americans as we’ve seen in recent polls, yet they hold a strong base and the far left is angry the current democrat majority and the president aren’t liberal enough. Oddly, in the democrat primaries, the prevailing candidates are speaking about fiscal responsibility and distance themselves from the White House. While conservatives certainly showed up on Tuesday to push the Tea Party movement into mainstream politics. As for the moderates, they’ll sit on the sidelines until November but the vacillating politicians are in trouble come the fall.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas to Israel: Drop Dead
Ms. Thomas tells Jews, “Get the hell out of Palestine.”

WASHINGTON, DC—60 year White House press corps veteran, Helen Thomas was asked about the recent Gaza naval blockade and IDF boarding of an ostensible “humanitarian aid” flotilla—her answer can best be described as sincere, honest and revealing what liberals really think about Israel.

The 89 year-old journalist is a self proclaimed, proud liberal and like most every liberal, hates Israel; tragically finding herself involuntarily on the same side as Adolf Hitler and Islamic terrorist and theocracies throughout history (there were a number of pro-Nazi Islamic leaders that fought alongside the German Reich).

Ms. Thomas’ comments instructing the Jewish people to, “…..go back to Poland and Germany” are to ignore why they left in the first place—six million were systematically rounded up and executed. It is also interesting to see how the liberal media at large have reported the incident; using terms such as “humanitarian flotilla” instead of “fleet” or “armada” or perhaps, “floating Trojan horse” would be most accurate. As Charles Krauthammer pointed out, the so-called flotilla refused the Israeli offer to have the cargo routed through another port and inspected by the Israeli’s who in-turn would deliver the goods to Gaza as happens on a regular basis.

Ms. Thomas has since recanted and was forced into retirement but only after her anti-Semitic remarks began to go viral on the web. As a liberal, she is not alone in her view of Israel as an occupier, but it must be of little comfort she finds herself in complete agreement with the likes of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Al Axa Martyrs Brigade, and scores of suicide bombers.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

NASA stonewalling Climategate FOIA
Several Freedom of Information Act requests have gone unfulfilled by the space agency

WASHINGTON, DC—On May 27th, Christopher C. Horner, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute filed a lawsuit to compel NASA to comply with several overdue FIOAs submitted in relation to the Climategate scandal.

In question are email exchanges among other documents from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). Mr. Horner believes the emails will be another unraveling of the global climate alarmism that has been demonstrated to be backed with bad and manipulated data by scientists at East Anglia University in Britain.

This development is not news to those who have long questioned the science and motives of those purporting the end of the world via greenhouse gas emissions. But the mainstream media has largely ignored the Climategate scandal as reporting on it may afford skeptics more credibility. One would think legitimate scientists would not relish joining lawyers in the public’s perception of careers. But their silence to reveals a choice not go against the status quo.

Until real opposition is given to the grant fetching global research field, the public will be left to conclude on its own green policies. And that is happening in Great Britain, where residences are taxed and pay fees to offset the crisis; they are asking why alarms continue to be sounded louder and louder when more and more money is spent combating the problem.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama’s approval rating slips to 44 percent
Rasmussen Reports has a new poll showing 55 percent disapprove of Obama’s job performance

WASHINGTON, DCRasmussen Reports daily tracking has President Obama’s job approval charting at 44 percent, with 55 percent disapproving. According to the polling firm, “Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four percent (55%) disapprove. The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage of the President has been 51% positive over the past week.”

There are a host of reasons for the president’s poor performance rating: unemployment that remains close to 10 percent, a lingering recession, unpopular legislation, unfinished wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, GITMO remaining open, near-miss terrorist attacks, and inaction to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Obama’s disapproval numbers also account for four high profile election losses and the prospects in November’s midterm elections—that is quite simply, governing against the will of the American people (both left and right) has real consequences. Mr. Obama has said he wouldn’t mind being a one term president and if he stays with his current agenda, he’ll likely be one.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Haliburton awarded a no-bid contract by the Obama administration
KBR, a former subsidiary gets a deal for 20,000 times the maximum no-bid ceiling

WASHINGTON, DCBloomberg News reported that KBR, a former subsidiary of Haliburton, has been awarded a no-bind contract worth at least $500 million. The engineering and construction company, even though the Justice Department is pursuing a lawsuit stemming from taking kickbacks from sub-contractors.     

On the campaign trial in November of 2007, then Senator Barack Obama said, “I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists — and won. They have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president.”

That statement certainly isn’t in-line with an estimated $568 million to be paid to the ex-Haliburton subsidiary through 2011 nor the $25,000 cap on no-bid contracts.

The Obama campaign boosted, “Barack Obama and Joe Biden will end abuse of no-bid contracts by requiring that nearly all contract orders over $25,000 be competitively awarded.” But in the 2008 campaign, Candidate Obama was the top recipient of KBR employee donations, contributing over $20,000 to his coffers.

I guess this is what Mr. Obama meant when he stated he would engage in a “laser-like focus” on jobs; perhaps this is the first step to bring down the unemployment rate.

--Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Record turnout for primaries misreported
The mainstream media again demonstrates its bias (and activism)

ASSOCIATED PRESS—The AP ran a story about primary races in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, by the headline, “Unharnessed Anger: Incumbents Win in NC, OH, IN” you would think turnout was light—and it was—among democrat voters. On the GOP side, turnout was in record numbers, as James Tranato writes in the Wall Street Journal, the National Journal actually included the numbers, showing republican and independents went for conservative candidates.

This is nothing new and an increasingly unmitigated march from reporting news to fashioning news. Compare recent “coverage” of Tea Party rallies where terms like “Birther”, “racism”, and “bigot” are peppered throughout supposedly hard news pieces. Yet the raucous pro-illegal immigrant rallies where dozens of arrests were made for vandalism and the like are buried (if even appearing) in hard news coverage.

Then there’s the case of Faisal Shahzad, where MSNCB’s Contessa Brewer laments the attempted Times Square bombing was the work of a middle-eastern male. When just three months ago, the mainstream media looked for any clue that could pigeon-hole Andrew Joseph Stack as a right-wing nut after he flew a small plane into an Austin office building; his manifesto a cadre of big-government, borderline communist rants.

Perhaps this is why FOX News is dominating the airways and MSNBC and CNN are less viewed than the Cartoon Network.

--Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nobody said the icebergs aren’t melting, keep dancing!
Pushing the green movement until blue in the face

HUNTSVILLE, AL—If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? That’s the question I used to answer a question posed by a colleague just last week during a discussion about the global climate change propaganda and why the media and alarmists keep pushing the anthropogenic global warming message.

The reason I used the old cliché was to make the point the mainstream media didn’t exactly put Climategate on page one, above the fold or lead the broadcast. When the emails were leaked out of the University of East Anglia, UK, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNCB, CNBC, The New York Times, et al, barely even gave them attention; if you were part of the FOX News viewership, you heard about it or read British print media—otherwise, zero, zilch, nada, bupkis. 

Now, two books detail what the emails reveal—Al Gore and the global warming alarmists don’t rely on science when trying to prove a scientific point, instead, they use consensus building techniques. The Great Global Warming Blunder by Dr. Roy Spencer, a climatologist and former NASA scientist and Climategate by Brian Sussman, a meteorologist, expose the “science” behind global warming for what it is, manipulated data, rigged studies, and grant fetching crying wolf alarmism.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Repeat until true
The media proves yet again it doesn’t let facts get in the way

Dallas, TX—After attending a Tea Party rally, New York Times Charles Blow writes about the racism he encountered; he even described the rally as a “minstrel show”. But in an interview with Laura Ingraham, the Old Gray Lady’s columnist couldn’t point out one single instance of overt racism.

Mr. Blow’s unsupportable charges seem to be a trend not only in the pages of the New York Times (which published Jayson Blair’s fiction pieces) but in the media at large. Dan Rather, a perpetrator of Memogate, where the veteran “journalist” used forged documents as a campaign hit piece to derail the reelection of George Bush in 2004.

The Tea Party movement has been called “Astroturf” a political term meaning the protestors aren’t really grassroots, but are paid performers. They’ve also been spun as birther kooks, but the latest label the media likes to use is racist.

This most recent marginalizer probably began around the time when Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) claimed he had been the victim of hurled racial epithets but soon backtracked as the so-called event wasn’t caught on video or audio, nor heard by anyone in the crowd. Still, that hasn’t stopped the media from reporting it happened and as Mr. Blow has demonstrated, it won’t stop them from repeating the charge until it rings true.

-- Killswitch Politick